GPS locations - service not available

Hi, I try this:

            using Tizen.Location;

            Tizen.Location.Locator locator;
            locator = new Locator(LocationType.Gps);

            Tizen.Location.Location location = locator.GetLocation();

            if (location != null)
                latitude.Text = location.Latitude.ToString();
                longitude.Text = location.Longitude.ToString();

but I gat catch error: service is not available. In my watch settings I have ON location service, I have location privilege in manifext.xml and I check privileges like:

            CheckResult result = PrivacyPrivilegeManager.CheckPermission("");

But still get the same error. Do someone know what is issue? :confused:

CheckPermission() only checks if the permission is already granted to your app. You have to also run RequestPermission() to actually request the permission. You can wrap the whole thing in a simple Task-based async method:

public async Task<bool> CheckPrivilege(string privilege)
    switch (PrivacyPrivilegeManager.CheckPermission(privilege))
        case CheckResult.Allow:
            return true;
        case CheckResult.Deny:
            return false;
        case CheckResult.Ask:
            if (!PrivacyPrivilegeManager.GetResponseContext(privilege).TryGetTarget(out var context))
                return false;

            var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<bool>();
            context.ResponseFetched += (s, e) =>
                if (e.cause == CallCause.Answer)
                    tcs.SetResult(e.result == RequestResult.AllowForever);

            return await tcs.Task;
            return false;

and invoke it like this:

bool granted = await CheckPrivilege("");

Sorry, this is what I have, my all code:

    private void CheckPrivilegesGPS()
            /// Check location permission
            CheckResult result = PrivacyPrivilegeManager.CheckPermission("");

            switch (result)
                case CheckResult.Allow:
                case CheckResult.Deny:
                case CheckResult.Ask:
                    /// Request to privacy popup
        catch (Exception ex)
            DisplayAlert("Chyba0", ""+ex, "OK");
    public async void GetGPS()
            Tizen.Location.Locator locator;
            locator = new Locator(LocationType.Gps);

            Tizen.Location.Location location = locator.GetLocation();

            if (location != null)
                latitude.Text = location.Latitude.ToString();
                longitude.Text = location.Longitude.ToString();
                await DisplayAlert("Chyba0", "location is null", "OK");
        catch (FeatureNotSupportedException fnsEx)
            // Handle not supported on device exception
            await DisplayAlert("Chyba1", fnsEx.Message, "OK");
        catch (FeatureNotEnabledException fneEx)
            // Handle not enabled on device exception
            await DisplayAlert("Chyba2", fneEx.Message, "OK");
        catch (PermissionException pEx)
            // Handle permission exception
            await DisplayAlert("Chyba3", pEx.Message, "OK");
        catch (Exception ex)
            // Unable to get location
            await DisplayAlert("Chyba4", ex.Message, "OK");

And everytime I get the last catch - Unable to get location

Sorry for misunderstanding your question.

I guess the log message literally means that the location data is not available from the GPS sensor (due to e.g. weak signal). You may try one of the following:

  • Move your device to another location and try again
  • Change the LocationType to LocationType.Hybrid (less accurate)
  • Use await GetLocationAsync() with a timeout as an argument (null is returned after timeout)

Thank you very much! This work for me, combination hybrid + await GetLocationAsync()
but somehow it wont work with my other functions :frowning:

    public MainPage()
        //StartAccelerometer(); // with this I get segmenation faul...

        GetGPS(); // this work :)

    public void StartAccelerometer()
        SensorSpeed speed = SensorSpeed.Default; // Set speed delay for monitoring changes.

    private void AccelerometerReadData()
        Xamarin.Essentials.Accelerometer.ReadingChanged += Accelerometer_ReadingChanged;

    private void Accelerometer_ReadingChanged(object sender, AccelerometerChangedEventArgs e)
        var data = e.Reading;
        var accX = data.Acceleration.X.ToString();
        var accY = data.Acceleration.Y.ToString();
        var accZ = data.Acceleration.Z.ToString();

OK I dont know what I do, but on second build and test on real device it work :slight_smile: