Health Connect -> Active Calories

Are there any plans for Samsung Health to write calories burned into Health Connect?
It only writes the daily total calories burned, which isn’t as helpful (it is also quite incorrect).


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I believe Samsung Health only doe Active Calories burned. Health Connect should also have the Basal Calories burned and I think the aggregate calories burned.

Samsung Developer Relations

Samsung Health writes Active Calories Burned but none of that matches the Samsung Health App.

This is the figure that I would like to read in my app from Health Connect

Health Connect only has some total calories and calories from workout sessions

The 57 calorie figure matches a walking workout I had today

But where is the rest of active calories burnt that can be seen in Samsung Health app? (117 kcal)

Also this figure seems random

It isn’t matching anything from Samsung Health app… Total calories burned in Samsung Health app is the following:

So it’s all different.
In summary:

  1. Samsung Health isn’t writing complete ACTIVITY calories into Health Connect
  2. Samsung Health writes TOTAL burned calories into Health Connect but it isn’t matching Samsung Health
  3. Samsung Health writes active calories per workout (e.g. Walk session, jogging ) but not for total daily steps

Can I raise it as a bug somewhere?
Thank you

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What version of Wear OS are you using. My understanding is that Samsung Health will fully function with Wear 4 (API 33) I’m not sure it it does with Wear 3 API 30 or not.

If I know that I can contact the Health team and get a better answer for you.

I assume you have read the Accessing Samsung Health data through Health Connect Blog and did see and accept all the permissions for sharing data but that is a bit old so there may be more for API 33.

Samsung Developer Relations

Wear OS is irrelevant. I notice the disparity even when using only the phone steps and activity.
Calories in Samsung Health DO NOT match calories sent to Health Connect, this is all there is to it.
Daily steps calories are not written at all to Health Connect.
Certain exercises such as a walk or jog will have active calories written but I require ALL activity calories figure. NOT Basal Metabolic Total Calories Burned, but ACTIVE calories only (steps).
I have accepted all write and read permissions.

Another question,
Is there any way to manually force a Health Connect write? or is it always only done automatically?

Thank you

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I believe if you want the Samsung Health Data you may have to be a privileged Samsung health partner

In Samsung Health you have to allow permissions for Heath Services

I was told that with Watches less the API 33 wear 4 that there are issues with Health Connect that is why I asked about the wear version.

I do not know about Health Connect other what is in the documentation and I believe you’ve read that. That is an Android issue, Health writing to it is indeed a Samsung Issue.

I know that was a rotten response I probably need to research health more. There used to be a code lab for a health Diary in the Tizen based Watches did your research find anything like that for Health Connect.

Samsung Developer Relations

“I believe if you want the Samsung Health Data you may have to be a privileged Samsung health partner”

Health Connect was created for that purpose, wasn’t it? Privileged Samsung Health Partner is made for accessing Galaxy Watch sensors for medical/specific purposes.
We just want our users to sync their steps and active calories from Samsung Health to our app, it’s very simple. We were told to wait for the release of Health Connect for that purpose. It works, but Samsung isn’t writing the correct data.

“I do not know about Health Connect other what is in the documentation and I believe you’ve read that. That is an Android issue, Health writing to it is indeed a Samsung Issue.”

That’s why I messaged on this forum, who can help me with Samsung Health inaccuracies?
how can I create a bug report to someone who knows something about it?

“I know that was a rotten response I probably need to research health more”
It is ok, I just want to get in touch with someone who knows more about it already and who can actually help, this has been a little bit of a waste of time so far.

“There used to be a code lab for a health Diary in the Tizen based Watches did your research find anything like that for Health Connect.”

I obviously implemented Health Connect in our app already but it doesn’t matter because I can see in the Health Connect app that data from Samsung Health is incorrect.

Ron, could you pass it on to someone else please? or send me to a place where I can get some more technical help?


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You should open a Developer Support Request So please be specific about what Samsung Health is incorrectly writing.

Until Wear OS API 33 there were issues with Samsung Health and Health Connect that I think were corrected between the Wear OS update and Samsung Health improvements. I know I reported errors earlier this year and was told they would be fixed a platform update.

Samsung Privileged Health partners have access Samsung Health Data not sensors. This is not the same thing as the old Samsung Health Partners.

If you do not get a reasonable answer in a reasonable time let me know. I can intercede on your behalf in the developer relations team.

Samsung Developer Relations

I have exactly the same use case as @dan.jar - as I can see, Samsung health app is not even asking the permission for writing active calories to health connect - only total calories. @r.liechty_SDR or @dan.jar - is there something new please? I really do not understand why this dont work already. :confused: It has nothing to do with Wear OS, this issue is related to Samsung health android app.

Please contact to the related team directly using Developer support channel.

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What do u need this many requests for, as others have already pointed out, the issue is quite simple… samsung health does request needed permissions in health connect, you’re not requesting to write, it’s missing the permission WRITE_ACTIVE_CALORIES_BURNED, you only provide WRITE_TOTAL_CALORIES_BURNED which is an entirely different permission …your graciousness has also allowed WRITE_BASAL_METABOLIC_RATE … so if we want to read the active calories we then have to clutter our manifest with basal and total calories permissions just to deduct it from each other making the queries very annoying because obviously with the other apps connected to health connect we can just read active calories… but for samsung health we need to do gymnastics by deducting the basal and total… simply request to write active calories it’s literally a one row permission

Update upon testing - not even basal calories and total calories match, they also just seem not to be writing at all to health connect? … samsung health shows 9 active calories and 1179 total calories, fetched from health connect for basal AND total is just nothing.

I noticed if I walk and gain steps, after some time finally, Activity logs started coming in, but only Activity which is I assume only the steps. So do no calories gets synced?

UPDATE: … Ok so I finally found the article Accessing Samsung Health Data through Health Connect | Samsung Developer they don’t sync any other calories but from direct exercise… ok