How to add gradient to Progress Bar?

I did mine by masking a Progress bar separated from or outside any complication with my coloured image on top of it. And it worked fine.

Hi, that works too…but if u want to use say uv complication it wont work. Op may like to besides battery, hr and steps.


Hi has the “gradient” progress bar on the right for the chance of rain complication.

Using my above technic

Hi, this is really interesting!
I am new to WFS and this forum. In reference to Mayalona’s Jan 30 example above with link:, I could not get what triggers the three colors on/ off at 0%, 20% and 80%. Am I missing anything?
Thanks in advance for clarifying!

It won’t be customizable, that’s the point of complications, they should be customizable.

Its will be semi customise, the mask on the top layer can be customise by styles…every layers in my example is customisable.