UV complication similar to digital dashboard

Hi. When using watch face studio, how do I get the UV to display in progress bars via complications?

I want to use these as outer complications, not inner rounded complications.

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There is a Samsung weather complication that has UV index like a progress bar you can use that.

When WFS first came out the UV index as a Tag was available but it was so mis-understood that they removed the tag.

The UV index is based on zero UV (in a mine for example) to unobstructed UV (walking in space for example) on Earth 12 is extreme danger. People thought it was zero to 100 so when it only showed 9 they were upset.

Samsung Developer Relations

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Thank you. I understand that part but this is what I meant similar to the image attached.


Can I recreate the outer uv index similar to that of the Digital Dashboard, with gradient color using Watch Face Studio? I’ve been trying for days and no avail.

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I don’t think so I tried to modify the progress bar to be only 90 degrees and wasn’t able to do this. There is no weather tags in WFS.

Samsung Developer Relations
Samsung Developer Relations

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@r.liechty_SDR and @AbsoluteZero

circle 90 degree arc? Yes u can on a complication slot (circle) just select the progress bar layer of the complication slot then go to range properties like you will do with the WFS designer progress bar, choose the 90 degree arc.

this is battery complication but should work for uv complication.

select the range preset to choose which 90 degree arc you want.

as for gradient color is not possible for complication slots as you can not do masking with them.

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I had no Idea about this . So we can use the data coming with some Customisable Complications to Run the Progress Bars . Wow . Will one of you Giants please post a ZIP for us Slow learners .
I see . Thanks so much GUYS . If something new is learnt it is a Good Day .
Sadly I can not find any comp on my watch that acts on the progress Bar . I know I am probably being a bit thick . If any one know of anything that does work I would love to test it . I suppose it is down to the person who writes the COMP .

try battery , uv , steps complication

And remember to select only range type complication

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Oh I see only Range . I will give that a go . Sadly I know how to make progress bars out of two of those . Phone Battery might be of interest .

How do I mask the complications with an image like the standard progress bar? I can’t seem to get the progress bar within a complication masked with an image.

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You cant mask complications

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