How to add zero values before [tag]

How to add zero values before [tag]

([SC] < 10? 0: “”)([SC] < 100? 0: “”)([SC] < 1000? 0: “”)([SC] < 10000? 0: “”)[SC]

For example:
00002 if [SC]<10
00011 if [SC]>10
00131 if [SC]>100
02718 if [SC]>1000
13100 if [SC]>10000


Nice ! :slight_smile:

Im currently struggling setting KM / MILE text based on IS_24H tag properly.

([IS_24H]>0?(’ KM ‘):(’ MILE '))

It does work in preview but on watch there are also apostrophes showed.

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hey, check “KM”‘ not ‘KM‘

How can i make zeros before Steps different color ?

to amoledwatchfaces:

([SC] < 10? 0: “ ”)([SC] < 100? 0: “ ”)([SC] < 1000? 0: “ ”)([SC] < 10000? 0: “ ”)[SC]

Then no apostrophes showed.