How to install and run the application in emulator/device in Debug mode through CLI?

I am able to install and run the application and able to debug the installed application from Tizen Studio.

But I like to have this option from CLI, I am able to install and lauch the application in device/emulator through CLIs but without debug mode using the below command.

tizen build-web -- ./
tizen package -t wgt -s testsamcert -- ./.buildResult/
tizen install -s emulator-26101 --name "BasicProject.wgt" -- ./.buildResult
tizen run -s emulator-26101 -p zPFhhtkB67.BasicProject

Is it possible to use the debug mode here when I launch the app through the CLI.

Thanks in advance for any help.

@shmdhussain This is a good question, I am facing the same issue. Were you ever able to get the debugger to launch?

Yes I am able to launch debugger.