How to report theme issues as a Theme Designer

This is just a friendly reminder to older or to the newer theme designers that get rejected validation tests (text/icon visibility issues) caused by software or app or Theme Studio bugs.

To report these issues you can use this link: (file limit: 2)

Or simply through the Seller Portal here: (file limit: 5)
(They do the same thing, doesn’t matter which one you decide to use)

For each issue you have to properly document and describe it. You can use the below template:

Issue 1

  • Where to find: explain which app/screen the issue was reported (example: Calendar / More / Settings / Permissions)
  • Description: Give details for the issue, how it looks with the error and how it should look like without it. (can also include color source in the GTS as suggestions to fix the issue)
  • Screenshot file example: “PREVIEW.jpg” (upload photo example)
  • *Detected Device: SM-F926N_TM, SW Version: F926NKSU1BVA3 (can be found in the validation test .html file)
  • APK where this issue can be found: Theme_Name_S2.apk (it’s good to save APKs until they pass the test)
  • STP file name: ThemeName_v2022.stp (upload the STP file used to create that theme)
  • Theme Studio version: v12.0.27w.2 (version of the GTS used to create that particular APK that got rejected, can also be found in the seller portal office if you don’t know which one it was)
  • Calendar version: (sometimes you can also find the app version info in the validation test, you should include that just to be sure)
  • Content ID: 000003199999 - (ID of the theme - can be found in the seller portal)
  • Content Name: ThemeName (name of the theme on the seller portal)
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Add this link too validation
I collect there always acutal known Issue during the Validation Process. These Issues can’t fix from Designer


Good job. That list helps a lot to us and is clear their beta is far from being ready

Welcome. I keep this list up to date;) so you can always refer it

I think about to make list to avoid issue too

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