Hello, I have a question.
I wanna send trc-20 with memo. Can I send it?
Currently, I am using sendTokenTransaction function in TronService for sending trc-20. But, it doesn’t have memo param.
Hello, I have a question.
I wanna send trc-20 with memo. Can I send it?
Currently, I am using sendTokenTransaction function in TronService for sending trc-20. But, it doesn’t have memo param.
Are you trying to refer to data with the word memo? If you mean other things please explain more about it.
If you are trying to send some data along with data then you can try to use sendSmartContractTransaction. In that API a parameter named encodedFunction is a ABI function. Try to use that function to send data.
Hi, I am trying to send USDT token with memo.
with sendSmartContractTransaction, is it possible to send token with memo like below image?
I haven’t seen such functionalities here. From my understanding, sending a memo like this is not possible. If you find a way, please share with us.
thank you ! very good