I met a problem while sending usdt with intent #2


I try to send usdt. calling intent is successful. But, I met a problem after next button. https://developer.samsung.com/blockchain/platform/programming-guide/simple-payment-ui.html

I guess I am developing it on react-native. It might make error.

it is error message.

2020-09-16 18:09:02.730 27133-27133/com.twofastlane.cryptomission E/WindowManager: android.view.WindowLeaked: Activity com.samsung.android.sdk.blockchain.internal.coin.tron.paymentsheet.TronPaymentSheetActivity has leaked window DecorView@5a1253e[TronPaymentSheetActivity] that was originally added here

or is there transfer api with samsungblockchain api without intent?

is there transfer api with samsungblockchain api without intent?

Yes, there is.
You can transfer Tokens/TRX using the APIs:

  • sendTransaction
  • sendTokenTransaction
  • sendSmartContractTransaction

Check out the references:
Programming Guides
API References
Sample Application: AeroWallet

And about the “WindowLeaked” Issue, please check out the discussions/solutions on this regard over the Internet. like this one, or the specific ones regarding react-native.

Try following the example usage of ‘PaymentSheetIntent’ from the guides and the Sample app.