I cannot build my project with tizentv extension of VS code

Hello, I face a problem when I try to build my project.
My project consists of html and js.

I used to build my project with tizentv extension of VS code.
But now “Tizen TV : Build Singed Package” doesn’t work at all.
I’ve tried below things :

  1. I deleted VS Code and installed again.
  2. I deleted tizentv extension and installed again.
  3. I checked that I activate right certificate. (also I checked ‘Set active profile successful’ message.)
  4. I tried building project with another version of tizentv (1.2.5).
  5. I tried building project with latest version of tizentv.

I cannot find any error messages at OUTPUT.
And other tizentv extension functions are working well.

I don’t use VS Code but it sounds like you didn’t have the Author or Distributer certificates to sign the binary. In the package manager did you enable the Samsung Certificate Extension? Did you create them? They must be Samsung Certificates to run on Samsung Smart TV.

Samsung Developer Relations

I’ve used right certificates. I checked profile.xml too. I think there are no problems in configuration or setting. Anyway I’ve built signed package through Tizen Studio. I achieved my goal, but I’m sorry that I cannot build signed package through VS code tizen tv extension…
Thank you for kind response.


There should be a way to do this many people use the VS extensions. Check the FAQ Smart TV Seller Office site

If not there you can open Smart TV Seller Support Request for help

I just know the simple stuff not much more.

Samsung Developer Relations
