Hi, My game developed by Unity and Samsung IAP package. But error occurred when rebuy same consumeable item then I got the error IS9010/6050 . My program call API: ConsumePurchasedItems but have not received callback.
IS9010 is the error thrown when a consumable item is not consumed and the user tries to purchase it again.
We would have to see how you are calling consumePurchasedItems to understand why you are not getting a callback. You can provide that info here in the forum or create a Support Request and the support team will review.
Samsung Developer Relations
Thanks ! This is the code shows how calling the consumePurchasedItems.
var purchaseId = "";
if (PlayerPrefsHelper.HasKey(PurchaseIDKey, this.buyer))
purchaseId = PlayerPrefsHelper.GetString(PurchaseIDKey, string.Empty, this.buyer);
SamsungIAP.Instance.ConsumePurchasedItems(purchaseId, consumedList =>
if (consumedList.results != null && consumedList.results.Count > 0)
for (var i = 0; i < consumedList.results.Count; i++)
var item = consumedList.results[i];
if (item.mStatusCode != 0 && item.mStatusCode != 4)
SamsungIAP.Instance.ConsumePurchasedItems(item.mPurchaseId, null);
if (item.mPurchaseId == purchaseId)
PlayerPrefsHelper.DeleteKey(PurchaseIDKey, this.buyer);
Few more questions and comments that could help clarify the situation but it would be very helpful if we could get a Support Request with a full log and the content ID of your app so the team can review. If possible even access to the apk via a closed beta.
I assume that the purchaseID passed to consumuePurchasedItems is a valid one. Are you trying to consume an item after validating that the item can be consumed? Did you check for any errors in the onPayment callback?
The second parameter for consumePurchasedItems should be the name of the OnConsumePurchasedItemsListener` interface.
If you check with getOwnedlist API, do you see the item returned as non consumed?
Is this problem only affecting the onConsume callback? Are the other callbacks working correctly?