IAP Error : IS9153

Samsung IAP in Unity3D

After completing a product purchase in a beta released game
I would like to resolve the error that occurs

How can I fix this IS9153 error?

베타 출시한 게임에서 상품 구매 완료 후
발생하는 오류를 해결하고 싶습니다.

어떻게 해야 이 IS9153 오류를 해결 할 수 있습니까?


Is this error showing when you try to complete a purchase? Or are you able to complete the purchase but then you see an error when trying to purchase the same item again? Please share what API you are calling when getting this error.

Thanks for the question.

I using Unity Plugin for Samsung IAP 6.1.3 And Unity 2021.3.14f1
Built as an Android app.

This error occurs immediately after closing the payment completion message in the sandbox.
This was my first attempt to purchase that product.

Payment has been completed and a payment receipt has arrived.

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해당 오류는 샌드박스에서 결제 완료 메세지를 닫은 직후에 발생합니다.
해당 상품은 처음으로 구매를 시도해 본 상품입니다.
특이한 점은 결제가 완료되어 결제영수증이 도착했습니다.