Installing CA Root Certificate on Tizen 6.0 smart tv

I am trying to test an app on my samsung smart tv which uses https/tls protocol and inorder to successfully test it I would need to install CA root certificate on the device. However, there is no documentation or any help anywhere on the internet. How can I install the certificate on the device?

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And for all of us who aren’t app developers, partners and the like but also would like to partake in secure communications on our lan networks?

Then you’re visiting the wrong place :+1:

I would disagree as it used be a matter of simple access to the certificate store where you could dump it. Now you are locked out from root access due to tizen without any option to install a simple certificate, a store which mind you only have the standard CA that have been compromised several times. It is an issue developed from tizen that is locking you out.