Issue Package Manager

Hello i facing a issue with the package manager i try to add a new SDK image tv extension what i’m download from samsung official website but i can’t seeing in the package manager to install after added
i’m used a macOs Sonoma.

nothing in Extension SDK

Did you follow the instructions from this page for the installer?

Samsung Developer Relations

Some of us followed the instructions precisely, with the resulting package manager log looking like this:

09:44:41 [TRACE] [PackageUtil ( 85)] - Read PackageList From Repository : file:///C:/Users/pavlos/AppData/Local/.package-manager/extension-cache/2585732058/e8057d37-7e46-4746-beea-83f8677127ca, null, isExtServer : true , repoId : e8057d37-7e46-4746-beea-83f8677127ca

09:44:41 [INFO ] [Downloader ( 108)] - [1765786526] Downloading: file:/C:/Users/pavlos/AppData/Local/.package-manager/extension-cache/2585732058/e8057d37-7e46-4746-beea-83f8677127ca/ → C:\Users\pavlos\AppData\Local\Temp\

09:44:41 [ERROR] [Downloader ( 135)] - Directory creation failed!!

09:44:41 [ERROR] [RepositoryUtil ( 150)] - [file:///C:/Users/pavlos/AppData/Local/.package-manager/extension-cache/2585732058/e8057d37-7e46-4746-beea-83f8677127ca] Cannot download the file.

09:44:41 [ERROR] [PackageUtil ( 129)] - [file:///C:/Users/pavlos/AppData/Local/.package-manager/extension-cache/2585732058/e8057d37-7e46-4746-beea-83f8677127ca] The repository configuration file cannot be downloaded.

09:44:41 [INFO ] [Downloader ( 108)] - [1608157631] Downloading: file:/C:/Users/pavlos/AppData/Local/.package-manager/extension-cache/2585732058/e8057d37-7e46-4746-beea-83f8677127ca/pkg_list_windows-64 → C:\Users\pavlos\AppData\Local\Temp\Packages8261418855381939633.list

09:44:41 [ERROR] [Downloader ( 135)] - Directory creation failed!!

This happened, in my case, with Windows 10, attempting to install an older TV Extension SDK. Is there a fix or workaround?