Live Smooth streaming does not work

I implement Live streaming using the combination AvPlay + Smooth + Playready for my Tizen 2.4. It works with super freezes, buffering can take up to 7 minutes and show 1 frame per 10 seconds approximately.
What can be the reason?
I’ve investigated the values that return the function “getStreamingProperty”.
And I’ve got these ones:

  • GET_ABSOLUTE_SERVER_TIME: “1447448234220”
  • AVAILABLE_BITRATE: “200000:550000:850000:1350000:2200000:3500000”
  • BUFFER_SIZE: “1902116”
  • COOKIE: “”
  • CURRENT_BANDWITH: “925175”
  • DURATION: “23501”
  • GET_LIVE_DURATION: “23292|23501”

I worry about the value “absoluteServerTime”. May it affect the freezes?

Simple VOD streaming works perfectly.