Multi-layered style

Hello everyone. Help me understand how to implement this:
I have several pictures that change depending on the number of steps completed. How do I make all the pictures change when choosing a different style? Something like choosing a skin

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Hi I never use that timeline thing . Sorry . I would put a simple Formula in the opacity field to switch on background image . Something like this . Obviously this is the simple answer . [SC]>=2000?100:0 . if step count is greater or equalt o 2000 then show image if not hide image .

I have already set up image swapping depending on the number of steps. I want the user to be able to select a set of images through styles.

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Oh Sorry . Ok . So that TimeLine is not Styles . I can send an example later . I don’t think you can style a collection .

Hi if what you mean is something like the video you can do it, but individually for each “image” you want to change. If you click on the aeronaitica emblem you can change the type of emblem.

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Each style must contain 3 files.

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You can probably only solve this by putting your images in “dials”. However, this is then the only part of this set and cannot be combined further.

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I am sorry @Volodymyr . This is a little / Lot beyond me . I hope these guys on here can help .

As BFD said you have to create 3 “watch faces” in .png mode and every click on the watch desktop changes. The problem is that you can’t overlay anything as it only takes this one click and that’s it. See the attached example. (171.1 KB)

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You can use conditional logic or CSS classes to update all images dynamically.