Multiple expressions in Tag


Sorry if my question is obvious for some, I’m still learning WFS.
I’m working on a face using way bigger MIN hand than HOUR, so it overlaps at times.

In such cases, I’d like to apply some transparency.
I’ve tried a few things like this :slight_smile:


But this didn’t work.

I can’t find a thread/guide to learn the operators to use.

Operators are described here.

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Operators are +, -, <, > ,=
You have to inspect the times, when the hands are turned to matching angles (and/or maybe are even closing to same angle)
hour hand angle: [HOUR_1_11]*30 for jumping, or [HOUR_1_11_MIN]*30 for smooth moving hand
minute hand angle: [MIN]*6 for jumping, or [MIN_SEC]*6 for smoothly moving hand.
compare these in the condition for changing opacity

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