Using a logical operation


I’ve recently moved over from Facer because… well, we know the reasons for the GW7

I’m getting used to WFS but I cannot understand why the guide works:

but this function does not???

([HOUR_0_23] >= 22) * ([HOUR_0_23] < 5)? 80: 0

any help from the experienced WFS friends, ty

I am not sure what are you trying to achieve
The two conditions you put in there need to be fulfilled at once to produce final true (1), yet there is no time, when hours are both, higher than 22 and smaller than 5.
if there is * between two conditions it means one AND the other must be true simultaneously
if you wanted the logic to be one OR the other OR both put there + like


Thank you Peter

I changed the expression from * to + and it worked.

This sets a dimmed view on the always on screen between 10pm and 5am.