Notification when app is not running

I would like to send a notification at a specific time to the users. (Posting notification to the devices)
However, the notification should retrieve data from the web application that I have developed.
I am trying to use Push API, but there seems to be no detailed documentation for this.
Can anyone help me how to implement this idea?

Thank you.

You can try to use native service and implement there your push notifications.

Here you find docs

and api push api

Thank you so much for your reply.
Sadly, I am developing a web application, but I successfully got a notification from the server.
I used the following code when sending a notification to my device
However, I do not get any alerts on the device, but only the number of badges is increasing.
Do you have any idea?

Well, make sure property ALERT is supported by Tizen Wearable. Just check in docs for your platform. It is not always obvious.

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I found out that I did not add the notification previlege.
But now, is it possible to custom push message?