Publishing API Issue

Reference document: Modify App Data | Samsung Developer

Calling the interface, executing the script:

curl -i -X POST \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -H "Authorization: xxxxx" \
  -H "service-account-id: xxxxx" \
  -d '{"contentId":"xxxxx",
"appTitle":"xxx","binaryList":[{"filekey":"4f14ce02-4536-453b-a4b9-e7be1aa51aa7","gms":"N"}]}' \


{"body":{"contentId":"xxxxx","errorCode":"4122","contentStatus":"REGISTERING","httpStatus":"BAD_REQUEST","errorMsg":"Binary Upload Key error"},"message":"Request failed with status code 400","from":"seller"}

The interface has been working fine before, but has started to show issues in the last few days. Could you please let me know if there have been any changes?

It seems your file key is not correct. Please check the fil key again.

The error you are getting 4122 error means that there is no file corresponding to the entered ‘filekey’ value as the error message.
Could you please check if your filekey is not changed in any steps?

Samsung Developer Program team