Hello, I can’t install my SSSP6 Application after upgrading my monitor’s firmware from 2080.3 to 2240.2.
Nothing has changed in the app’s source code (including config.xml / sssp_config.xml, app sign certificate).
The monitor has the right Date/Time/Timezone configuration, URL Launcher is configured to get the app from an apache webserver (the monitor can reach the sssp_config.xml file through integrated web browser)
The certificate profile used for signing is composed as:
Author Certificate: “Verified by: Tizen Developers CA”, expires in 2027.
Distributor Certificate: “Verified by: Tizen Parner Distributor CA”, expires 2022.
What I have tried:
- Resetted monitor system settings.
- Changed deploy server
- Changed config.xml app’s ID and name
- Changed config.xml minimum tizen version from 2.3 to 3.0 and 4.0
- Changed sign certificate profile.
- Changed whole config.xml (I took the file from a working (installable) app source without overriding app ID, app name and privileges)
- App sideload through USB device
I even tried to load the Tizen Studio Sample App into the monitor, no luck.
I would like to know if anyone knows how to fix the URL Laucnher installation process or how can i downgrade my monitor firmware.
Thanks for any kind response.
After a firmware update you need new Distributor Certificates.
Tizen Distributor certificate won’t work for sideloading here is how to install Samsung Certificates
Open Package Mange
Extension SDK tab
Install the Samsung Certificate Extension
After it is installed
Click on the Configuration Icon ( gear like settings icon)
Expand the Extensions SDK arrow
be Sure Samsung TV and the Samsung Certificate Extension are enabled.
Next create a new profile for Call it Samsung TVs or something
Create the Samsung Author Certificate
connect to your TV and create the Samsung Tizen Distributor Certificate.
Do not include the Tizen Author or Distributor Certificates as they will throw an error.
Go to this page for full details.
Samsung Developer Relations
Before trying the new certificates is it possibile to downgrade my devices for the time being?
I do not know how, I’ve been able to connect and run an example but that was the limit of my TV Development. Can you ask in the TV Seller Support.
Samsung Developer Relations
Hi, I have last question.
The firmware release note states:
[SSSP] Removal of Partner and Platform level Tizen Distributor Certificate due to potential
security issue. If 3d party developer wants partner or platform level app which required
partner or platform privilege it should be resign manually or with Samsung Developer
Certificate Distribution.
I don’t get why I can install from URL Launcher this app https://t.playsignage.com/ which is not signed for my QBR.
Since device DUID is mandatory for Samsung Distributor Certificate, do I need to remake the certificate for each new monitor?
EDIT: I tried signing the app with Samsung Distributor certificate (created with the device DUID) but still can not install through URL Launcher unfortunately.
My new certificate is composed as
Author: Samsung Author CA Class
Distributor: VD DEVELOPER Partner CA Class
(I did make sure my certificate is marked as active before building the app)
Hello, I’ve fixed my problem by creating a new tizen certificate (no samsung), in the distributor section of the wizard I’ve unchecked “Parner level APIs”.
I don’t get what’s the difference because webapis/b2bapis still works after the certificate change.
Anyway thanks for your help.
Thanks for the update, I’m glad you got it working.
One of my to do’s is learn more about the TV Development.
Thanks for working with me and teaching me.
Samsung Developer Relations
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