Question about moon phase

I am making the same moonpahse as the attached image.
To make a moonphase like the attached image, you need to rotate it with two moons.
Therefore, the end value must be set to 59, but only up to 28 is allowed.


Is there any way to solve this part?

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2 times of rotation would solve your issue.

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If it’s 2 times, it has to go around half the time, but it goes around four times. In other words, the full moon occurs four times in 28 days.

Sorry that I confused.
How about 180 degree?

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Thank you so much.
It works well.

Please show angle of Moon image when you placed.

Sorry for that I have no image for this. I just answered how to set the rotation property for the issue.

Please show angle of Moon image when you placed.