Recover face parts from WFS file

Is there any way to recover a special watch hand from a WFS file? I have all the artwork except this hand.

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There might be! Make a copy of the .wfs and change the copy’s file extension to .zip. Then, look around inside the .zip (perhaps in base\res\drawable-nodpi-v4).

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Go to Timeshow and ask some of the guys there… my work has been stolen and put up there and most likely other designer’s work too, so they’d be the ones to ask.

mine: original art designed by me.

stolen and on Timeshow platform (done very badly I might add)

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Argh, totally forgot about that. What I was after was in there.



I don’t think you have to be that much of an IT Expert to steal images out the back of a publication . Once you know you know . I know guys that could Hack almost anything but Chose Not To .
I wonder if you images were stolen out the Back of your Facer version .

could be but that face has been there for 2 years and done nothing. So I attribute it to being re-published in Google Play as it’s kind of a coincidence to me. Anyway nothing one can do, if someone wants to take your stuff, they will.

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Thing is you can not take their stuff . It is probably All Stolen . I always though that Greeks had more Honour. But Hey he is probably Not Greek .