One user has requested refund of an app. I don’t know the reason or anything. Can anyone, please, tell me how to do it? and what are the refund policies?? (Like, for how long after the sale I can allow a refund / What are the “legal” reasons for o redund to be done / …)
As far as I can tell you need to request a refund from the seller store support 1:1 Enquiry Provide them with the users name, your App Content Name and Content ID and other information you can provide such as the reason for the request.
I asked the store and got no response of where this would be documented. So I assume it is not for a reason.
Samsung Developer Program
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Is the refund for a theme, watchface, sticker or other app? There is no policy that I know of, so it’s up to you whether to refund or not, however you don’t have to do anything.
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