Regarding lighting application on tizen operating system(Samsung Tv)

Hello Team ,
I am trying to run my Lightning js application on samsung tv(emulator) , Operating system(Tizen app) here, i am unable to hit the api’s that is why there is no any other screen showing after the entering od login credentials on login page.I am attaching the screenshot of the error , Kindly help me with this.We have run the lighting js app on tizen studio then we get our expected output ,and code in the bundle format.This is the error we are getting .

Since no one responded, I would suggest you look for an answer in the FAQ-Q/A under the most appropriate topic on the Smart TV Seller Office site If you don’t find a solution there then sign in and open a Smart TV Seller Support Request . They can help you better there.

Samsung Developer Relations

Hi, were there any solutions for this question? I am running into the same issue.

For others who come across this - the issue is most likely the CSP settings. You need to have permission to call API’s

   default-src 'self'; 
  script-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval'; 
  style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; 
  object-src 'none'; 
  connect-src 'self';