[RESOLVED PARTIALLY 09/22/2020] Keyboard - report problem - Samsung Galaxy S10 FR

When I restart the mobile after putting the SIM code, the keyboard remains blocked only US knowing that it must be in FR !

Thank you for participating in the Samsung Developer Forum. However, this is not the correct forum for end product questions.

I would recommend you post using the Samsung Members App or at Samsung support select Contact US and then the Social tab Join the Conversation

Because end user questions disrupt developer discussion this thread will be removed soon.

Samsung Developer Program

I heard, but for several months between the community and the support … There was no fix!

Samsung account

See this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Em823DpuKpM Apparently you will have to download the French Keyboard

Samsung Developer Program

You not understand, only one moment after the restart my smartphone…the keyboard is “English (US)”. After the password (after the code PIN/SIM) not problem…only this moment !

You are right I didn’t understand. :slight_smile: Did you try on the service providers support that is all I can think of.

Samsung Developer Program

The support asks me to do manipulations, but they did not understand that the problem comes from the update of SAMSUNG PASS and CLAVIER (version)

I’ll leave this thread run until the end of the week but after that I will need to delete it. The forum gets overrun with product questions if I don’t keep on top of it.

Good Luck
Samsung Developer Program

How do I contact SamsungPass and Samsung Keyboard support ? Not since the app nor Samsung Members I want to talk to a developer or email, please !
It’s super very important in France…the keyboard is blocked on “English (US) > Qwerty” and on the Frence we are “French (FR) > Azerty”. Thank you

Hi Gregory,

If this was an American or English variant of the phone it would go to default you might need to check that.

As far as I know the only way to do this is contact your service provider they are the only ones that can help you. Even if it was done by an update each service provider has their own variant of the updates. The have the ability to report bugs.

Samsung Developer Program

(Sigh) I don’t doubt that they told you that.
This really should go through your service provider. But you can submit a support request HERE. We can try to forward it internally. But this software / update issues should be addressed with the service provider.

Samsung Developer Program

Service provider… no answer to make a trace to the developers, and the support does not help me much. We are hundreds of customers (Samsung France) an impacted being

Hi Gregory,

I could not find a way to pass your concerns on. I won’t delete the thread maybe someone will do a search and have a solution. If I do find a way to pass this on I will do so.

Samsung Developer Program

Thank you, I.wait…

If I recap everything, the PASS is well activated with an ID (passwords) and requires this keyboard (Samsung). When this keyboard activates (only and only when the phone is restarted), since the phone is configured in French… the developers of the keyboard and PASS must correct to put in “French (FR) with AZERTY” instead of "English (US) with QZERTY

The image are screenshots of conversations with Samsung Customer Service (Application)…but it doesn’t help me at all (because no uplifting keyboard developpers and Samsung Pass Dev) !

Do the following steps :slight_smile:1st-Try to factory reset if the phone turn on
2nd-if the phone stayed at booting mode try using samsung kies software you need a laptop/pc for doing above work.

if this not fixing go to samsung care then apply a new latest software

The problem is the keyboard version, the Android version (is French)
At the ignition I’m stuck in US (QWERTY) off everything is well configured in FR (AZERTY)

same here :frowning:. service providers have vague solutions that never work. samsung should improve training quality it seems

My problem it’s close today in France on me :

Today my keyboard after the started my phone…is in AZERTY (FR)

That probably makes me as happy as it does you. I’m glad you persevered !!

Thanks for letting us know.

Samsung Developer Program

I have the same problem now with the SM-G986B/DS (Samsung Galaxy S20+ 5G) and other :

Version Now : G986BXXU4BTIB / G986BOXM4BTID / G986BXXU4BTIL
Security : 1 september 2020