Sales statistics Big issue

Hi Ron,

I’m realy disappointed due to a big issue about my July sales statistics.

I thought i was making a realy good month and stats sudenly changed today which result in a Big loss in my sales.

I Can send you a screenshot of my July first week and you’ll see the big difference.

Please contact me by PM.

Thanks in advance,

Fabrice - Zebra Watch Faces

I am also facing this issue. Every month after getting the settlement report it happened. and it automatically fixes.

I also noticed this, seems different than previous months.
Before it would only “freeze” the Statistics for a day or two, showing an extremely low amount or even “0” for those few days, then it would bounce back to normal.
Now, my whole previous month’s daily sales have been “nerfed” by 30-50%.
I haven’t seen this happening before.

Hopefully it is also just a temporary glitch, and if it is, it’s definitely an unnerving one. :sweat_smile:

I think the high sales were due to a bug that caused each coupon used to be counted as $ 1 in sales. After the bugfix, sales returned to normal.

Yeah i think you’re right for the 1$ per coupon…

The bug lasted 2 weeks for me so i was thinking my sales were realy increasing…

And it’s not fixed yet, my today’s results are still wrong. Realy too much bugs on seller’s portal. I’m tired of all these stuffs.

Same here, for the first time in about 2 years things were looking really good and I had hope again for this platform. But this has been a hard back to earth moment.

Samsung’s new move at the end of last year to take away banner promotions and throw everything together and pick one or two things to promote along with other faces has really been a hundred steps back. It is impossible to build a brand and I honestly don’t know what the point is anymore.

New releases hardly get any exposure, the store promotions are dead, so honestly, this is yet another blow to take, and really get tired of this now.


Exactly the same for me and so glad to hear someone who feels and think the same about Galaxy Store recent tendancies.

I’m even thinking about stopping to publish.

I’m looking into this and should know more soon, hopefully it is fixed before I get an answer.


Same issues in my account. both free and paid download

Hey Jaco,

You are not the only one, i have already stopped creating watch faces (and it’s not about the WearOS move). I definitely understand your point on the exposure and the promotions. I however think, that all this was a planned move from Samsung’s side. If you put all the things that changed in the last year it almost seems like a pattern:

  • First was the pledge (meaning that only active devs would continue)
  • Reduction of promotion places
  • Eliminating the Banners, and accumulating promotions in Groups (goes side by side with the reduction of places)
  • Inability to update the GWS for Mac (later we found out that it moves to HoneyFace but it was a very frustrating 7 month period with just promises. Finally a developer alone port it and did what a devs team was unable to do.)
  • Bugs in GSS (i didn’t know any more what i sell and how much i will get paid until the financial report)
  • Switching to WearOS (lack of communication etc etc)
  • HoneyFace Beta was given only to a handful group of developers to test which happened to be the top developers allowing them to convert .gwd files for the new platform. What wasn’t taken into consideration is that when you are not a top developer, you work more on the design and the implementation, bringing innovations more than a well established developer that will sell either way.
  • Uncertainty of what’s the next steps in Wear OS (will our accounts transfer or we start from 0 in the new platform?)

All this seems to me that there was a target from the beginning, being to reduce the number of developers which Samsung allowed to grow with no control.

I think this will even be my last message before my account will close due to inactivity. I decided to sell my designs to anyone who is interested to continue development.

If anyone interested, the designs will be appearing at



Hi MK,

I feel exactly the same, and i’m glad to see that my first topic launches a very interesting discussion.

I think Samsung has reduced a lot the developpers number to eliminate garbage in order to prepare for WearOS move. I didn’t know Honeyface, is it just a mac version of GWD or a software to build watches for WearOS?

However i don’t understand the total silence of Samsung about WearOS move for developpers. Does Anyone know something about this? Will GWD be updated or will we have to use a New software?

I’m seriously thinking about stopping publishing for the same reasons as Jaco.

In my opinion, Samsung hasn’t reduced the garbage, they just made it harder for people to find content. And they only promote certain sellers, whihc makes it hard for Indie sellers to make $.

There are still a few Sellers who release the same face over and over with just a different image taken from the Internet. Take a look at the NEW digital category and you can see them. To me these are garbage faces, but maybe they generate income.

And I know for a fact that they have not disabled accounts of inactive Sellers. Maybe they disable accounts of inactive sellers that don’t sell anything.

Samsung policy is to neither confirm nor deny or comment on unrelease products or technologies.
Galaxy Unpack is Aug 11th and I believe I can say much more after that announcement.

Samsung Developer Relations

The biggest issue for me is something changed over the last 18 months or so. The shift to the new promotion end of last year totally killed any form of brand building or proper promotion for devs.

You apply and apply and if they do pick a few faces for promotion you really have to go and look if the promotions are running, because it does nothing for sales. Everything is thrown together with other faces of the same subject for the week. This causes Choice paralysis with just too many options. If I am a buyer and there are too many options I might end up buying nothing and I get a feeling this is what is happening.

In the US we get the opportunity to have banners now and again and this works like the old days, but you get a chance every 3rd month, maybe…

Changes should be made for the better and it really is not. I cannot see the current promotion/banner system working for anyone.

Another change is newly released faces, hardly gets any exposure, I would say for me a new face sells about 90% less over the first few days than it did 2 years ago.

I really thought now something was working and paying off, only to have it disappear with the console bug.

I have also experienced this error this month, with an abysmal difference, has someone been solved?