I’m new to developing Tizen applications and the developer.samsung.com website shows we need the samsung-sap framework for developing companion applications. I want to build these Natively (in C). I noticed the 2.3.2 Tizen build does in fact support this, and was wondering how to get support for 4.0 or 6.0 too, as I can not enable the samsung-sap framework in the C/C++ build settings as shown on the website.
Above, is the 2.3.2 build using the import project functionality from the Tizen Docs sample application.
Below, is a self-configured project for Tizen 4.0.
Hello Andreas,
Welcome to the community!
Did you check sample projects of version 4.0 from Tizen Studio instead of your self-configured one? Doesn’t that show the SAP framework?
If the template projects do then you should check with your configuration.
Thank you for your reply! I did check the sample projects, unfortunately none of these use the samsung-sap framework. Creating a Tizen 2.3.2 template in Tizen Studio allows for selection of samsung-sap and samsung-extension, however these do not show in Tizen 4.0 and Tizen 6.0. I have not checked version 3.0, as I had not installed that version yet. I did download the sample SAP projects from the aforementioned site, after which I imported one. It defaulted to Tizen 2.3.2 and showed the samsung-extension and samsung-sap frameworks activated. Strange thing is, I just now tried converting this sample project to Tizen 4.0, which gave an error (‘permission denied’), and now both samsung-extension and samsung-sap frameworks are gone from the list of that project. After clicking on build project for this, I get errors and the frameworks are NOT added back.
When building my own Tizen 2.3.2 project, I can select the samsung-extension and samsung-sap frameworks. When I then convert this to a Tizen 4.0 project, the frameworks disappear from the list and the app will give include errors for the sap.h file (and possibly more). After then converting this back to Tizen 2.3.2, the frameworks appear again, boxes being unchecked. Is the Samsung Accessory Protocol (SAP) just not supported at all above Tizen 2.3.2? I could try and develop my application in Tizen 2.3.2 although I’d rather use the version my own Galaxy Watch is at (4.0.7) than an extremely outdated version.
Thanks in advance for your reply and with kind regards,
Samsung people don’t usually like to respond if they would have to say no.
So, I take their JOB and say you the truth:
SAP is not able to work on any Emulator after version 3.0. (On 3.0 it is still working, but you would have to spin on your head for days to make it work).
Oh, and don’t wait anything from Samsung support: they have no idea on what’s going on.
And also: no, there is no alternative. Oh yes, there is: buy a wearOS device.