Tag Advice - X Placement By Seconds

I am seeking advice on using a tag expression for a couple of images. One is a 60 px wide image which will be made to move across the watch, from X Position = -60 to X = 360, and only from 0 seconds to 20 seconds. This formula seems to be fine:


Now I have another image of 100 px wide, sitting to the right of the watch face, at X Position = 360, and I want this image to move in the opposite direction, from right to left, and only starting at the 30 seconds mark through 50 seconds.

But this formula has the larger image moving right to left starting at 0 seconds, rather than 30 seconds:


How do I get the larger image to only cross the watch face starting at 30 seconds?

Hi @dlo1579881831,
Take a look at this ([s]>30)*360-(([s]-30)*38), I just added a little to your expression. It may fulfil your requirement. Please let me know if it works.


Thanks, Azad, that gets me a lot closer to the effect.

Hi, I am not sure but, guess you would like the image to stay outside screen until [s] <=30 then during following 20 s move it 360 pixels of screen width plus 100pixels of its own width to the left, so it lands outside again. Thats 460px/20s=23px/s. For that there would be 360 in the x coord field plus expression like ([s] >30)*(30-[s])*23

Thanks, Peter, that has refined the movement I am looking for.

Hi Peter

I need some assistance please, is there a formula / Tag Expressions I can use to have a picture stay in one place for 10 seconds., then move left or right … this is what I use, (0+[s]%10)*20, so it moves 10 times / Seconds, 20 spaces then it returns on sweep, which is fine, but what I want is when it reaches 11 seconds, I would like the picture to stay still for 10 seconds then move again

Is this possible?

Hi Johan, do you want it to stay still in the starting or ending position, before it starts moving again?

In the starting position, but after it moves 10 seconds it comes back to the starting position, I want it to stay still again for 10 seconds, then it moves again 10 seconds and comes back again to the starting position. The example is a branch, it stays for seconds then moves left for 10 seconds on sweep, it then moves back right on Sweep. When it comes back to the starting position I want it to stop for another 10 seconds before the whole process starts again.

I hope I’m explaining it correctly

I am not sure if it works as you desire with smooth seconds, but try this ([s]%20)*((([s])%20)<11)*20

Perfection, it works great, thank you thank you so much