hi, does anyone know why my theme is still not listed on gss?
i published my theme on May 16 but until now the item is still not listed in gss, but different theme i published on May 19 is already on gss
edit: it may be confusing, and it can be mistaken that my problem is my theme not showed on Galaxy Theme Store, it is NOT that
my problem is: the theme is not listed on Galaxy Store Statistic System
If it is still not listed and you know for a fact that it has had a sale let me know the theme name and I can check on it.
Samsung Developer Relations
theme status is for sale, but i don’t know if anyone bought that theme or not, does theme will not appear on gss if anyone is not buying the theme?
theme id is 000006272084 title: [Pururunpun] Goodnight Baby Carol
It shows for sale but no downloads or any sales. I downloaded it see if it shows up on Monday. I don’t know how often they refresh the GSS data.
Samsung Developer Relations
I don’t even see the theme in the store (S22 Ultra A12 USA). Check your binaries and countries of sale, something isn’t set up correctly. Feel free to join our private theme seller FB page and we can provide better help; answer all questions to join otherwise you won’t be accepted
Theme Sellers Private Group
okay then, i’ll just wait until later thanks
so if there’s no sale/download on the theme, the theme won’t appear on gss?
i only uploaded for android 11, android 12 is still under device test, is it why that theme is still not showed up on gss?
If your A11 theme was approved and is in the store you should see it in GSS.
It is a wallpaper. I see it.
So if you have A12 Ron and can see it, but I can’t see it on my S22 Ultra, maybe all devices aren’t selected in the binary list. I should be able to see A11 and earlier content until August when QRAM content is removed…
I have a Galaxy Note21 Android 12. So that may be the issue.
it’s not a wallpaper… i made the wallpaper first (it’s already on gss), the theme i made before the theme
wallpaper id : 000006024357 [Pururunpun] Goodnight Baby Carol Bear wallpaper] (free)
theme id : 000006272084 [Pururunpun] Goodnight Baby Carol
it can be seen on store using A11, i’ll tell u later after A12 ver is approved (it still under device test) and see is it will appear on gss after approved
all device is selected i only unchecked samsung fold on A12 binary version
i use remote test lab using samsung flip A11 and can see the theme on store
USA is listed on the country/region & pprice section