I have created a component and dynamically add it to the Tizen list view. but unfortunately, it’s not scrolling and its items are placed as here. I need a list view same as when we doing a static list view.
var itemsList = document.getElementById("items-content-ul");
... data fetching...
for (var i=0; i<listData.length; i++) {
// create li component
var cardLi = document.createElement("li");
// create card view
var card = document.createElement("div");
card.className = "card";
//create text area
var textArea = document.createElement("textarea");
textArea.disabled = true;
textArea.className = "card-title";
textArea.rows = 2;
textArea.innerHTML = "My First List";
The items loading to dom happened when page change event.
my card components rendered well, but no success for the list view. hope for your support. thank you!
Thank you! but this is not explaining dynamically adding the elements. I found a way to do it.
// this is my item list
var itemsList = document.getElementById("items-content-ul");
//get it as tau list view
var tauItemList = tau.widget.Listview(itemsList);
//create list index
var listIndex = 1;
// now we have to append our children's to this list view. I use for loop to append children's
for (var i=0; i<listData.length; i++) {
//create li component first
var li = document.createElement(li);
var div = document.createElement(div);
// append components to li
// finally append li to ul as below
tauItemList.addItem(li.innerHTML, listIndex);
// increment the list index
Please remember to make your list as a tau component and that’s the point. but this is really good for the text list. for my work, this worked. but my all the cards are a little bit collapse top and bottom with other cards.
but the list works well as I expected. I don’t know to make the gaps between these ui-listview classes. if anyone knows about making the gaps between list view items, please answer here!