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그런데 삼성헬스 권한승인 팝업창에서 ‘모든 권한’ on/off 선택에서 on이 되지 않습니다.
문제가 무엇인지 알려주시기 바랍니다.
파트너 앱으로 신청하였습니다.
그런데 삼성헬스 권한승인 팝업창에서 ‘모든 권한’ on/off 선택에서 on이 되지 않습니다.
문제가 무엇인지 알려주시기 바랍니다.
Currently the Samsung Health Key is only for the Code Lab examples and nothing else.
The only partnerships available is the Health Privileged Partner. Is that what you applied for? It is an elite partnership but they will review all requests.
Samsung Developer Relations
As a privileged partner, I also downloaded the SDK.
So, is it possible to grant privileges only by using the privileged SDK?
If you try to get the heart rate like the simpleHealth example code provided by Samsung, you will not be able to authorize it.
Min Kim.
2022년 7월 22일 (금) 오전 3:40, r.liechty_SDP via Samsung Developers Community Forums & Tech Support <notifications@samsung.discoursemail.com>님이 작성:
The sample code is only for Tizen OS/Android Health. Privileged Partners are Wear OS/Android Health. You can get support for Privileged Partners from Samsung Developer Partners Tech Support Request Currently it does not have an option for Samsung Heath as a type but you can list it as Android (non-Game) or Watch Face or Other and it will be directed to the proper support team if you mention that you are a Samsung Privileged Partner. They can help you better.
Samsung Developer Relations