Hello All,
I work for a company that makes SmartTV apps for several companies.
Some are Samsung partners, and most of them request access to the USB Demo Packaging Tool.
For years now we would give our clients and our testers a .wgt file which they would later convert to a .tmg file with the packaging tool to install test apps on a device.
In the last few months something changed where we are now getting an error on device saying:
Invalid app package for security check failed
Our author, and distributor certificate is not expired, and nothing has changed when it comes to certificates, permissions, or config.xml structure, so at the moment we aren’t certain what it could be.
Wanted to know if you guys know how to debug and get more information on that failure.
Also do you recommend any other way to prepare USB assets for my clients to install?
The alpha-test program sounds great but it doesn’t work on any of my clients, testers, or developer devices.
Even the 2020+ devices they have.
I would suggest you look for an answer in the FAQ-Q/A under the most appropriate topic on the Smart TV Seller Office site
If you don’t find a solution there then sign in and open a Smart TV Seller Support Request . They can help you better there.
Samsung Developer Relations
I had a feeling I was going to be sent back to the seller support.
Was hoping others had insight.
I will send them a message now, thank you.
Hello sherwino can you provide USB Demo Packaging Tool Link
Everything is extremely complicated with Samsung and Tizen.
Actually, everything is extremely complicated with the Samsung brand.
It is advisable to begin avoiding this brand.
From my understanding the only way to access the tool is by requesting it.
I don’t remember if there was some kind of form in the seller dashboard or you just message 1:1 support.
Once they grant access, the tool then gets added to your seller dashboard.
The tool is web based, and you could only access it from the seller dashboard.
App submissions with all the TV brands tend to be a little complicated, only because it’s niche and not written about much.
Samsung and LG have been updating their docs to address any gaps but, things like this are largely undocumented.
Or if it is documented, I haven’t seen it.