Watch Face Studio 1.7.9

When trying to upload a new watchface with version 1.7.9 I get a message stating:

Your watchface require 34 or higher SDK version, but this device supports up to 33

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version 34 of the SDK is only supported on wear os 5 devices and I think that these only include the watch 7 and watch ultra at the moment


I have the same problem. My 5 Pro runs on Wear OS 4. Now i can’t use my watchfaces made with version 1.7.9. is there a possibility to downgrade a wfs file?

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As long as you don’t use any of the new features you can still use version 1.7.9 on your watch. I have tried it.

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How long have you been making faces on 1.7.9 . It has only been available 24hours . You have been busy . I wonder if the New tags are marked as New . May be @blu1604754954 can tell us . I am terrified to run 1.7.9 .

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I tried some of the new tags yesterday on one of my current watchfaces and I could not send it to my Watch 5 Pro. I then deleted the tags on the same watchface and was able to sent it to my watch. That is what I have to offer right now and that I did use version 1.7.9.


Thank you Very much . Is it obvious which are the new Tags ?

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I think all the weather tags are new in 1.7.9 (Beta)
Also states that Watch faces should always check the [WTHR_IS_AVAIL] value before accessing other weather tags.
Just take a look at the release note for all the details

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I think some are. If you stick with what you normally do you should be okay. If you run into problems you can delete items one at a time.


Ha Ha Yes . Thank you both and @blu1604754954 .
I struggle to search the documents . My head and hands are more familiar with working on circular saws .
Still no list of the new Tags . I wonder if one used the Colour gradient Ramp that woud cause a fail to load . I am going to have to give it a go . The colour ramping sounds very exciting . It is good they Included one weather tag in thier notes .

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The latest Watch Face Studio comes with the Watch Face Format version 2, which requires the Wear OS 5 pre-installed. Please check the note shared on the Watch Face Studio Download page.

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If you select Range in custom complication, the default min Sdk value will be 34.
If you uncheck it, it will be 30.
This was tested without including any weather tags
You can use the Diagnosis tool to check.

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@AnakaraKool . Diagnosis tool is in 1.7.9 Right ?

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That’s it. update to new version

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Absolutely true! My wfs crashed with the “rain app”. After removing this application I was able to install it with 1.7. 9 on my 5 pro.

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Off topic, but anyone knows how to use Gradient Colors on New WFS ? as I am seeing same old way… " * Support Multiple color picker with Gradient type."

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Hi @AnakaraKool how to get target SDK 34 by new WFS1.7.9. i am updation my watch face version but it is still coming 33. google needs 34 now.

hi @Boshra how to get target SDK 34 with new version WFS 1.7.9. I got 33 still after building package…

Hi. In WFS1.7.9, when you add detailed tags or select Range in custom complications, a minSdk limit of 34 will appear.


thanks for the tips @AnakaraKool , by the way what about your watch face install rate from play store…

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