Week number not showing correctly [SOLVED]

– Device info –
Tested on a Gear Sport running One UI 1.5 on Tizen
and on a remote Gear S3 & Galaxy Wach via Remote Test Lab

– Bug info –
Week showing as +1
Currently (22 january 2021) it is Week 3. But watch faces show it as Week 4.
Last year we had an extra week (week 53) and it shows that as Week 1.

I tested it on 3 different watch faces

I also made my own test watch face. That only shows the current week.
ICU format is “‘week’ ww”
You can try it our for yourself…

– Tested watch faces –

  1. My own watch face, Minimal Data (24H/12H) (Multiple Colors) - Apps on Galaxy Store

  2. Other seller, [edit: broken auto-link to https://apps.samsung.com/gear/appDetail.as?appId=com.watchface.First_Watch_Face_03 has been removed]

  3. And last I made a simple watch face that only shows the week.

Do you have the same issue as me? Is there a way to fix this, (preferably without updating the faces)

I’m going to make a bug report and send it to Samsung asap.

I looked at this post and found the issue.

the USA is one week ahead of everyone, so you need to add all languages. So it will picks the right one for you.