About selection dual sim dialog when calling

Hi Samsung developer team.

I’ve issue related to calling function.
Procedure: My application doing below:

  1. Using dial application call phone number: xxx and click “call” button
  2. Selection dual sim dialog display, and choose sim 1 to call (*)
  3. Calling…
  4. My application handle out going call to changes phone number to 001234xxx and auto re-call
  5. Selection dual sim dialog display, and choose sim 1 to call (**)
  6. Calling with phone number 001234xxx

Expect: At step 5, I want not display choose sim dialog. So, how to handle not display that dialog?
And how to using of SamsungSDK SelectPhoneAccountDialogView (SCallUI)?

Please help me confirm it.

You should open a Developer Support Request for this. I’m not sure if this is a Samsung SDK or Android SDK issue.

Samsung Developer Relations