Actual categories on Google Play

Why do the new thematic categories on Google play always have the same (mostly Russian) accounts? Where do they get the information in advance about what and to whom to send in order to be in the new category?
Dear Ron, your opinion))

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Welcome @martinmagnitski . I have not seen what you are referring to . Perhaps you can post a shot . You are trying to Invoke Ron . He has Retired and is not here to help us these days . Also the Notifications here are in a mess so we take pot luck to see new topics .

Thank you for your answer. I meant the regularly appearing thematic banners in Google Play. For example, now it is “60% Discount”. How did the developers know about this banner in advance? After all, they prepared these discounts exactly during the period of this banner? Perhaps there is information somewhere about the banner schedule? For example, how can I participate in these promotions too?

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Oh OK . Google Store Stuff . Sadly I think you will have to contact them .

Oh blyat surprised. Thx

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