AR Zone emojis commercial use

Hello everyone🖖
I am developing a mobile application in which I will sell subscriptions. Can I use there AR Emoji generated on a Samsung Galaxy phone in AR Zone app?
I seen, that AR Zone has license Apache 2.0 but I’m not sure if it allows commercial using of content created in app.

Thanks in advance🙏

Welcome to Samsung Developer Community.

Currently there is no way to download Avatar from AR Zone app. You can only use the AR Emoji on your game by integrating AR Emoji SDK.

Thank you,

Hello @Jakia.Sultana.
Thank you for your answers, but you misunderstood me. I didn’t mean to use 3D model of avatar itself, but just the resulted animation in video or gif format.
Like this one I attached to this message.

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I’d also like to know if I could use a screenshot from my AR emoji as a logo that will be printed on merchandise. Please reply :slight_smile: