Hello galaxy store team.
This is more like a letter asking for help than a topic. Because indeed, my development account is in a dead state.
My app store is dead.Because during the past 45 days (April 24, 2004 - now ), there only had my app approved and released in just 1 day (May 24, 2024) and then nothing after that. All registered or updated applications are in “reviewing” then “delay” status.
I tried to contact many times, but I haven’t really received any real help. Or to be more precise, I received a reply from an automated bot.
There were a few people on the team who assisted me, however nothing changed and I was asked to send them the application ID content that needed to be approved.
Assuming they will successfully approve it for me (in reality, nothing change ) so that From now on, every time I update the application, I have to write a letter or create a topic to request an update.
I hope you will help me completely solve this problem, because this situation has lasted for too long