First of all, my apologies if this topic is repeated.
Thanks to Ron and Peter (your guidance has been awesome) I have successfully converted a TPK and rebuild it on WFS. Test and run the .aab on my device last 12 hours. All functions and shortcuts worked flawlessly as I have set.
Referring to the below image, may I seek information for the error and/or am I using the right platform to upload .aab / .apk files in Galaxy Store?
You only upload .tpk files to Galaxy Store an only for versions prior to Galaxy Watch4. Do not include the Android selection.
Since China doesn’t allow Google Services the only way to sell a Samsung Galaxy Watch in China is to use the option you selected. If this is to upload to China then you need to be sure to have all information in Simple Chinese and not include any other countries.
For the rest of the world you upload your .aab files to Play Store. The TPK converter should help you do that.
added only Simplified Chinese as a language in “App Information”
selected only “China” in the advanced part of “Country / Region & Price” (and I also removed the tick "When Samsung Galaxy Store becomes available in more countries / regions or with more payment options, your applications will automatically be sold in those countries / regions. "
selected only 396x396 (Galaxy Watch4) in the “Add Binary” popup and NO at the point “Google Mobile Service”
Even doing all this I keep getting the error in the subject of this topic and therefore I am unable to load my .aab file per Watch 4 Chinese users.
I’m not sure if the Galaxy Watch4 is available in China at this time. I’ve seen other reports where users can’t upload to their binary or it was removed after it was uploaded.
It may also be that there are two resolutions 396 x 396 and 450 x 450 (larger Watch4 and Watch4 Classic). And so it isn’t accepting either. You should ask the seller portal on a 1:1 enquiry.
I added a face to a Chinese store today. It is waiting for approval. I only set the Chinese language in the description and name. I did not change other parameters and sales regions either. We’ll see what comes out.
Hi, Ron!
Did I understand correctly?!
It is not possible to upload a project created in “Watch Face Studio” to the “Galaxy Store”. This project has the extension “.aad” and “.apk”, since this project was created for “Android”.
The watch faces uploaded to the “Galaxy store” must be created by the “Galaxy Watch Studio” and then converted to “Galaxy Watch Studio Converter”.