Build warning

What does it mean? It popped up at the end of build process and WFS did compile an AAB file.



Is your issue occurring for any specific project or for all projects?

If it happens for all projects create support request.

I have seen this warning from other projects before and can’t remember what it is or how to resolve it.

I’ve seen it before too. I’m thinking that restarting the computer clears the caches and the warning. It it repeats itself open a support request like Boshra said. Do you know how to get the log for the build?

it is in this folder
Windows : C:\Users{User}\AppData\Roaming\watchfacestudio\dump\main.log
macOS : /Users/User Name/Library/Application Support/watchfacestudio/dump/main

Samsung Developer Relations


I’m still getting the warning message. SDP suggests to use a new keystore, but I can’t because I’m updating published watch face that used the existing keystore. Plus I have no such folder as SDP suggested it, my keystore is stored on a USB drive. I haven’t heard from SDP in a week now. Any idea how to fix this?



Our respective team has reported this issue to Google’s team. Respective teams of Google and Samsung are working on this issue. We will share update about this issue soon.

We appreciate your patience and cooperation.

Thank you,