I am trying to obtain heart rate data from the Galaxy Watch and Galaxy Fit. Is it possible to retrieve heart rate data via Bluetooth from a watch on an Android device that doesn’t have Samsung Health? I understand that, depending on the model, the Galaxy Watch runs on either Tizen or WearOS, and that the Galaxy Fit uses a different operating system as well. I’m wondering if it’s possible to get data from all of these OSes.
Hi eco.kim,
Galaxy watches run on WearOS and Galaxy Fit uses FreeRTOS. I couldn’t find any common way to implement for all of them. But for WearOS you can use Samsung Privileged Health SDK to collect the heart rate data from the watch and Wearable Data Layer API to transmit that data to your phone.
For more detailed overview you can follow this tutorial:
Measure and Transfer Heart Rate Data from Galaxy Watch to a Paired Android Phone | Samsung Developer
As Galaxy Fit is based on RTOS, 3rd party app will not support.
One informal workaround to get fit data is, use Google Health Connect API to get Samsung health app data. But the problem is, there is no way to differentiate whether data is come from fit or other wearable, no way to filter it out.