Can I use Galaxy Watch Studio on Windows 11?

Starting to suspect that this isn’t going to work. I have an old Frontier S3 watch that I use to us Galaxy Watch Studio to build faces on. When that broke on mac I left it for a while and just tried to get building again. It seems like on windows I cannot request a distributor certificate without having IE installed, is that correct?

I cannot install IE on this windows laptop and it doesn’t work on mac soI just do not want to keep dumping time into this if I am not going to be able to build again.


I cannot request a distributor certificate without having IE installed, is that correct?

No but the same end effect. Microsoft discontinued support for IE the Seller Portal therefore rejects any connections made from IE browser as a security risk. The Java library that the old GWS used was based on IE explorer and so the Seller Portal rejects GWS too.

GWS 2.0.1 has a bug don’t use that on anything but a Mac
GWS2.0.0 in the recent releases works fine on Windows 11

Do not try to developer for Tizen 5.5 it won’t work on the watch do Tizen 4 I think that runs on the the Frontier 3

You can only run on the watch by generating Author (if necessary) and Distributor certificate in Tizen Studio and installing them with an old Fit2Installer that seems to work pretty well. There are other threads that will tell you how to do that.

You may consider trying for a Watch4,5 or 6 but if you like your Older watch there are advantages for that, especially for the Samsung Health complications

Samsung Developer Relations