The sign-on web pages DOES NOT remember me even if I check the box
When I log out of the forum, if I go to log back in, it logs me in automatically. It did not log me out? This means I cannot log in with anoother account unless I clear my browser cache. MAJOR security flaw here if the log out does not log me out?
The problem is probably that you are signed into Samsung Account and that is the secondary account for the community sign on. I’ll check it out in a bit to be sure.
The sign-on web pages DOES NOT remember me even if I check the box
Which sign on page is that, the discourse or the Samsung Account?
When I log out of the forum, if I go to log back in, it logs me in automatically. It did not log me out?
Are you logging out of Discourse (community) or the Samsung Account, if you sign out of Samsung Account it does not log you out of the community. To sign out of the community click the icon close to the upper right corner next to the pancake menu and the little person on the very end is your account to sign out.
This means I cannot log in with anoother account unless I clear my browser cache. MAJOR security flaw here if the log out does not log me out?
I tested it and logging out of the community does log you out, you need to sign in again.
But even if you aren’t signed out you can always open an incognito window and log in with a second account that way.
I’ll check on if Samsung account will sign you back in to the community and let you know
Chrome did this for me. on my Samsung Account I logged out but didn’t close the browser. Going back to sign in again it remembered and didn’t require a new loging.
I could not duplicate this it always remembered me unless I used a different browser or went incognito.
I log into the forum by going to and hitting the LOG IN button, to the screen where I enter my EMAIL. I can click on the field to enter my email but it does nothing, my email address is not remembered. However once I enter my email address and go to the password screen. I can click a couple of times and it gives me a dropdown with ID passwords to select. So Chrome is able to remeber my passwords but not my ID.
If I hit LOG OUT, it should log me out of the forum. Otherwise what’s the purpose? No other web page says LOG OUT and close the browser. If I’m logged into the theme tool and the portal on seperate tabs, if I log out of either one in the same Chrome session it logs me out of all tabs?
The second page for password is new starting a couple weeks ago and is across all of Samsung many companies are moving to it for security. I usually click 3 time but I think it is time not clicks that is the factor for filling in the password. You will need to do it for Theme Studio too.
In any case it is Google that remembers the password not Samsung. Samsung cookies remembers email.
This is a Discourse issue as it is hosted on a non-Samsung server. If you sign in using Facebook and then sign out of Facebook or sign out of the forum you don’t get logged off the other one. Think of signing in with your Samsung Account the same as signing in via Facebook or Google options.
I hope this helps but I do understand what you are saying the second password page made it worse.
I’m moving this to the Samsung Developer Program forum for more visibility than here in General. I think others may be interested what happened with the sign on pages.