Hello, I spent nearly 4 hours creating the perfect watch face but when i try to get my distribute certificte, on the log in to your samsung account phase the page is just blank white. please help.
Hello, I spent nearly 4 hours creating the perfect watch face but when i try to get my distribute certificte, on the log in to your samsung account phase the page is just blank white. please help.
Apparently they are working on fixing this but have not given a date about when it will be fixed for release
That’s sad I was too excited to use it. Anyway thanks for the heads up!
Same thing on mint !
Hopefully the testing went well and you’ll be able to generate new certificates really soon.
Samsung Developer Relations
Same issue here. I got a new TV, so had to create a new certificate, and now I’m stuck and could not work until this is fixed…
Yes it is well.
From development support
You need to update the Samsung Certificate Extension of your Tizen Studio.
Follow the below path to update the extension:
In Tizen Studio->Package Manager you will see the update option for Extension SDK-> Samsung Certificate Extension.
Does this work on galaxy watch studios as well?
You are updating the certificate sdk so yes it should
Already tested and it works.
There is no package manager for galaxy watch studio how to I update the SDK certificate?
I have yet to verify this but I believe you can generate the certificates with Tizen Studio and just put them in the proper folder
I’ll try to test this later today. I’ve asked if there will be any update for GWS but I don’t expect it.
Samsung Developer Relations
So how will we be able to make watch faces then??
It doesn’t work because Galaxy Watch Designer uses an IE 11 area to log in in the dialog.
But IE 11 no longer exists. Samsung needs to update it.
The Galaxy Watch Studio Developer Team no longer exists. I’ve asked them to post a notification saying that the tools were deprecated but apparently the team has to do this and the team no longer exists.
If generating the Distributor Certificate with Tizen Studio does not work I will ask them to close the GWD tools.
You can use Tizen Studio to create watch faces or a 3rd party tool such as Facer. Both are more difficult to use so I am hoping that the Tizen Studio certificate will work.
is there a turotial to make watch faces that way?
There is a lot of example watch faces some quite complex but it is not for the faint of heart. Use the Java version it is easier than native.
hopefully it isn’t going to be necessary but you will need Tizen Studio in any case so download it. reply here or in email if you need help setting it up it is easy but there are tons of stuff you don’t need to install and some that aren’t intuitive.
Samsung Developer Relations
were you able to findout if the tizen certs work?
I can generate the distributor.p12 but when I go to build it says password incorrect.
@jfarell had a solution how to manually sideload using the command line and an old Tizen Fit watch installer
I’ll try that next now that I have the author.p12 and distributor.p12
Samsung Developer Relations