Change color of sweeping seconds hand

Is this issue ever going to be fixed?

There’s a bug that’s causing problems when trying to use sweeping seconds hand as a button to change the look of the hand. It’s been present for months and it’s driving me nuts :frowning:

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I don’t see any bug report on this but I know there are other issues with sweeping second hand movement. If you haven’t reported it please do so. I think I can duplicate the issue but not sure if I’m doing the same thing you are.

Samsung Developer Program

Hi Ron, I reported this to the forum a couple of months ago.

If the second’s hand is set to sweeping motion, and used as a button to change images on tap (double or single), it doesn’t work properly. You can sometimes succesfully change the image, but it only works about 50% of the times.

Can you please add it to the bug list?

I could duplicate it so I sent it in, probably not in time to be fixed for GWS 2.1. There were other issues with the Sweep movement and it may be fixed when fixing that bug.

Samsung Developer Program

Hi Ron, could you advise when the color issue will be fixed?

I don’t see it marked as fixed for my bug report.

Samsung Developer Team

Ron, I desperately need this fixed :frowning: It’s been months now… Is there no progress?

It does not show it fixed in the support ticket I created. I don’t think it is a watch firmware issue because it is on Tizen 4 and Tizen 5 devices but it may be.

Samsung Developer Team