Change holiday to another color

good day everyone, I wanted to ask how to make the text of the days of the week in one color (white) and Sunday or holidays in red… it will surely be a game of opacity values, but I don’t know the formula…thanks a lot to everyone

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For Red Sunday Layer

For the other layer


For the other layer layer.

Remember to Zero the Fixed Opacity Number .


thank you very much, the formula worked, you are great

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Cool .Any Time . You are Welcome . :grinning:


I ask for advice again, in the dial I’m making the list of months, trying to change the color based on the current month (red or another color) but the formula that works for the days on the months doesn’t work, why? Where am I going wrong?

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So you want to highlight the Current month that is shown on a Dial or In a row . We need to know the Orentation of the Dial . Clock or anticlockwise . For the Row we need to k ow How long the row is in pixels and which month is at the begoning of the row left . Also thar t apply to the month’s . It will be very good if you can make a Screenshot of your Face so we can see . Even better share your WIP .

this is what i want to try to do, based on the current month it changes color, while the other months remain white (4.4 MB)

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You can use one circular text with all 12 months and put one simple white image with orange spot in top as a mask and let either rotate with month tag or insert it as a hand synced to month. Unzip attached example and inspect it in WFS. (641.1 KB)


ok thanks, I’ll try it right away

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