Change Media through Tap reduced to 10?

Hi everyone.
With the latest update, I realized that with the change media action through Tap, the maximum number of media has been reduced to 10. Would it be possible to ask the developers to change it back to the previous maximum limit? I heavily used that feature to add more customization to my watchfaces.

Thank you!

This was probably intentional I see the hotfix release notes mentioned
Fixed to disable click event if media file path is undefined.

There is going to be a full version release scheduled but I don’t have a date. If the limit is still 10 we can suggest it be more but there has to be some limit.

Samsung Developer Relations

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It’s just that 10 is too small a number. I would usually match it with the number of Theme Colors you could add with (which is 30).

are you using .gif or .json media?
My media knowledge is next to nothing but I agree .json should not be a memory issue. But I think some .gif could really eat the memory up…

Anyway let us see what the release version ends up with.

Samsung Developer Relations

I don’t use any gif or json media… I use jpg or png files. If I want to change the color of the time, the maximum number of styles you can put on it, is 10. However, it was possible to bypass this using the Tap Action. From there, I would put the 30 theme colors to the time, through using png files of flat colors.

It’s better than using 3 images with 10 style colors each and mask them on an image, because it becomes a pain to cycle through the customization menu. So tapping was so much simpler

I thought you meant multimedia :slight_smile: I understand now.
I use like 5 backgrounds then Styles over them so I have different gradients that change the styles.

Let’s see what they have in the release version. I’ll submit all my lists after that

Samsung Developer Relations