Change the list view item focus color

hello, I need to know how to change the item focus color in my watch app. I used ui-listview class and the current focus color seems opacity with black and it’s the default color. I need to remove it like transparent or something. actually, I don’t need focus color. can we achieve it?

<ul class="ui-listview">
	         <img src="/assets/images/icon_balance.png"/>
	          <h5>Line 1</h5>
	            <img src="/assets/images/icon_app.png"/>
	            <h5>Line 2</h5>


what? I didn’t get what you are trying to say… Sorry

Screenshot 2021-08-31 at 19.45.18|690x437

Okay I just need to remove this focus color. you can see the black color that happened with focus.

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.ui-arc-listview-selection-show {
display: none !important;

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Thank you very much! it’s working perfectly

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