Commercial to corporates seller stand by

i am commercial seller have posted details but still showing Corporate Commercial Distribution Sales Stand-by

I replied in your other post.

Corporate Commercial Distribution Sales Stand-by means the business was validated but your banking information has not be verified by your bank. They are waiting for that information

Samsung Developer Relations

i have paypal account dear

i am using paypal dear

Then it shouldn’t take too long to do the final validation. I am busy due to SDC23 but if it isn’t approved by Monday let me know.

Best of luck

Samsung Developer Relations

still not approved dear

not approved dear no

I’ll ask someone in the store ops team to check on this and get back to you.

Samsung Developer Relations

The ops team think you were approved, were you?

Samsung Developer Relations

Corporate Commercial Distribution Sales Stand-by

Corporate Commercial Distribution Sales Stand-by not approved

attached screenshots dear

Corporate Commercial Distribution Sales Stand-by

Checking my message they said you were a member in good standing, not that you were approved. I misunderstood.

You should write the seller store and ask them about this. Years ago when I applied they had two blank spaces for my name but my Banking Information and ID both had first, middle and last name. I had top change my form to have my first and middle on one blank and last on the other blank space.

Hopefully it is as simple as that. Give the Seller Portal support a chance to tell you exactly what the hold up is.

Samsung Developer Relations

My samsung developer account is Corporate Commercial Distribution Sales Stand-by since 6 months so how can i reslove this?

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Hi atifsaeed.developer,

Please contact the Seller Portal team and ask if there was something wrong with your application: From Seller Portal, click Help → Contact us. Then, click Contact us at the Customer Center located near the bottom of the page (if a pop-up with “Did you mean” appears, close the pop-up).

Also, please make sure your banking information is correct.

Hi Ron, I have an account in standby and it has not been approved

Can you help me with this?

Nope, Ron retired months ago, you need to open a ticket on the portal.